Can you hold space not only for others but for yourself too?
I met many people who can hold space beautifully for others yet struggle to do it for themselves. And let’s face it, it can be much harder to apply it to yourself when you are in the thick of it.
So, let’s unpack the meaning of ‘holding space’ and how we can make the most of it.
What does it mean:
Embracing and showing a judgement-free approach to anything that comes up in a discussion or conversation
Being fully present in the moment, in conversations, interactions, and even in the moments of silence without trying to fill pauses or the void
Listening with a genuine intention to understand
What does it do:
Creates a psychologically safe space where people can relax, be themselves, feel empowered, say what they need to say, and transform the situation
Builds trust, rapport on a deeper level
Stimulates new thinking and solutions
Holding space is a non-negotiable in coaching or therapy.
It can benefit in business or social situations when:
there’s a problem begging for a solution or fresh thinking
emotions take us on roller-coaster rides
a conflict is simmering inside, getting ready to break free and spill over
things are going well, and people are acknowledged and celebrated
there are run-of-the-mill activities or interactions to enhance performance
With the above said, take a pause, maybe a minute of space, and contemplate:
how can you hold space for yourself when you are on your own or with others?
What does 'holding space' mean to you?
What does it look, sound, and feel like?
In what situations would you benefit the most from it?
Where could you use some judgement-free conversations with yourself?
When don't you need to fill the space with words, thoughts, or actions but simply hold it?
Sometimes we think or behave as if we can’t afford to hold space for ourselves or others. As a result, we may come from a place of scarcity in mentality, resourcefulness, and connection to ourselves and others. Yet anyone can afford it, and many could greatly benefit from it.
Holding space is coming from the place of power, acceptance, resourcefulness, and connection.
It enriches our life and work when we allow ourselves to do it.