What does a coach do? What is the difference between a coach, mentor and trainer.
A coach is someone, who partners you to help you find a solution or achieve a particular goal. A coach asks a lot of quality questions to help you find your own answers and tap into your own capabilities. The questions are thought-provoking and empowering. These questions inspire people to think and create new options to reach their goals. This process is focused on moving forward rather than constantly dwelling on the past. A coach creates a judgement-free and confidential partnership space, where the client can “work through” ideas, strategies and goals. A coach can either work one-on-one or with a group of people. This can be applied to business environment coaching as well.
A mentor shares his/her valuable insights on the particular subject with the mentee to provide some guidance or solution options, based on personal/professional experience and knowledge of the mentor. The relationship between the mentor and the mentee generally has an informal arrangement. It can also develop into a long-term friendship.
A trainer is a recognised expert in a particular matter or skill that she/he teaches their trainees. The training can be done either in a group environment or one-on-one, formally or informally.
Coaching, training, and mentoring are not mutually exclusive but complementary and enriching if the person you partner with has the capability, skills, and qualifications to deliver that.
How do I choose the right coach?
When you have either a recommendation from someone you know, or you found a prospective coach online, book a preliminary session first. During the session, a coach will ask questions to determine what you want to achieve or resolve. You can also ask questions about their qualifications and the area that they specialise in. During this initial session, you can also get an idea on the style of coaching and the rapport levels between you and the coach. Before you go ahead with coaching, it is also worth asking yourself:
How committed am I to getting the results?
How can I create space to do my homework and put the learnings into practice after the session?
Who can support me on this journey i.e. family and friends?
Why do some people experience immediate results, while it takes a little longer for others?
The progress depends on a lot of factors. Many of us want radical results and ‘yesterday’. In media or our social circles we often see or hear success stories that don’t unfold the entire journey of the individual. This can lead people to comparing themselves to others and potentially slow our progress, as our focus is shifted to the draining game of comparison. We also forget about the power of small and consistent changes. When we start moving towards our goals, we may or may not see the tangible result straight away. However over time small changes add up and we start seeing a significant improvement to the quality of our lives and experience a lasting change. Even when we are required take a massive action, we can still break it down in small steps to actually do it!
How many sessions does it take to see the results?
It varies case-by-case. Generally speaking, it can take between 6-8 sessions, on the premises that a client is committed to getting results. It is recommended that these sessions are done consecutively in week or fortnightly blocks. When their goals are achieved or under way, some clients choose to do monthly or quarterly check-ins on the progress of their goals or address any other glitches, that may appear.
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?
Neuro embodies the mind, where we process what see, hear, feel, taste or smell. Linguistics stands for language or various forms of communication; it’s about how we interpret this information and assign meaning to it. Programming is about using our internal resources to communicate effectively with ourselves and other people. Neuro-Linguistic Programming offers tools and techniques to help people overcome negative beliefs, effectively deal with their negative emotional states and achieve the desired outcomes.
Can NLP help in business?
YES! It absolutely can! The benefits are numerous and can include:
✔ Developing the culture of loyalty, excellence and rapport
✔ Improved performance
✔ Self-leadership
✔ Engaging better communication skills and forming stronger relationships
✔ As a result, an improved performance of the business