Achieving 'Success' by Redefining it!
One of the easiest ways to get frustrated, disappointed, upset, and to give up is to create a mind-scenario of how things 'should' unfold, how fast we get there, and attach our self-esteem to reaching the desired outcome. For example, if we don’t see the immediate evidence of progress, we may start wondering: ‘What’s the point in trying?’
When things don’t go according to our shoulds or they take longer than we expect, we can stop taking small though important actions to get where we intended to.
To spare frustration and disappointment, what can work well is using:
the desired outcome as an inspiration, direction and tracking progress (without attaching our self-esteem to it).
the daily actions as the key focus without seeking immediate results or external acknowledgement, e.g. sending an email, making a call, having a conversation, participating in the meeting, applying for a job, etc.
We often forget that ‘success’ can eventuate not from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or even 10th try. The things that are well-executed now, were ordinary in the beginning.
By redefining ‘Success’ from immobile (outcome), to mobile (doing), you can foster productivity and fulfilment in your daily life.
When it becomes part of your ‘being and doing’, how do you think it can help you reach your bigger outcomes down the track?
© Anya Lyudmilina, Mindset Coach at New Life Design