How not to let 'yesterdays' dictate your 'today'?
At times it can be difficult not to let our yesterday’s misgivings, unresourceful conversations or actions, affect our choices and the state of mind ‘today’.
One of the ways to do that is to go through your day-editing exercise. In a nutshell, at the end of a day I view my day, my choices, my actions from different angles, including the one where I am just an observer, noting highs/lows and any improvements/changes I would make in the future. I also journal my reflections and track my actions vs outcomes, aiming for zero judgement.
These strategies help me reset my mindset and start a new day as a clean slate so I can fully engage in today’s activities, without getting stuck in yesterday’s impasse or some negative experience.
What strategies do you use to ‘edit’ your yesterdays and filter out what does not serve you, to make your today more fulfilling, productive or just calm and fully relaxing?
© Anya Lyudmilina, Mindset Coach at New Life Design